
2024 Cannes Lions: Finding Creativity in the Everyday

A white man in a grey business suit and white shirt stands on a stage. An illustrated of a brain, in the shape of a light bulb, and the white text that says "idea" are projected onto a large screen in the background.

This year’s 71st Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity saw P&G executives from across the business gather to discuss the future of creativity in advertising. The annual event honors creative excellence across advertising, marketing and communications, bringing the industry together to inspire, learn and celebrate creativity. This made it the perfect place to explore how we can unlock creative expansion by finding creativity in the everyday.

P&G leaders shared this message throughout the week during engaging panel sessions, fireside chats and interactive presentations. Our brands and valued agency partners were also recognized for their collaborative efforts that are resetting the bar on creative ambition, winning several Lion Awards.

Together, we’re finding creativity in the everyday, while delighting people through innovation and brand communication that drives growth and value for brands and markets. Read on for highlights:

A white man in a grey business suit and white shirt stands on a stage. An illustrated of a brain, in the shape of a light bulb, and the white text that says "idea" are projected onto a large screen in the background.


Chief Brand Officer Marc Pritchard’s keynote speech contextualized what so many marketers today are trying to do — make everyday moments magical. For brands that live in the home, whether it’s kitchen clean ups or laundry messes, there are endless opportunities for solving problems. Which equals limitless possibilities for finding creativity in the everyday!

How do we make that happen?

  • Find those everyday moments that matter — For our brands this means visiting people in their homes and where they shop, to observe actual behavior in how they experience our products. It requires human interaction to get the true essence of a moment — like the first whiff of clean, fresh laundry, the importance of a smooth shave when kissing your adorable little grandson or the wonderful feeling of that soft, fresh pillow and sheet after a long day.
  • Find how your brand matters in those moments — It’s important to define how the brand provides a tangible and noticeably superior performance benefit — like clothes that are fresh as if dried outdoors, the cleanest, closest shave, irresistible softness and comfort from your favorite fabrics — while also thinking expansively about how your brand contributes to emotional outcomes and how they make you feel.
  • Find the magic of a creative brand idea to make those moments matter more — It’s where both sides of the brain work together to combine logic and feeling. How do you know when you’ve landed the idea? Your spine tingles. It’s that physiological reaction when something really touches you. Logic connects the dots in your brain, and emotion makes you feel in your heart and your soul. Even with all the technology available to us, the answer won’t be found in the data or the algorithms. The answer is in the idea which comes from the heart and the soul.

This is the creative formula we are using to connect with our consumers in their everyday lives — here are some examples:

Two adult Chinese women with short brown hair, and an adult Chinese man with short brown hair and glasses, stand over a large pot at the kitchen table.
  • Safeguard is using the most mentioned sentence in Chinese homes — “wash your hands and eat” — to show superior germ protection matters because it safeguards your home and safeguards your family’s health, especially during one of the most important times of year — Chinese New Year.
An Indian couple kneel in front of a white washing machine. A box of Ariel laundry detergent sits on top of the machine.
  • Through its Share the Load campaign, Ariel is changing the minds of people in India, notably men, that laundry is a woman’s job. A poignant moment of concern about the everyday tasks of caring for home while away — with the laundry chore and the Ariel brand at the center.
A collection of three images include various men and women from Head and Shoulders anti-dandruff commercials. A fourth image features two animated men.
  • Head and Shoulders developed its “I Don’t” campaign, which is now expanding throughout Europe to find local everyday moments where the brand matters, even in remote villages in Greece, where having dandruff is prime news for local gossip.


During the Festival, P&G leaders participated in a variety of sessions that focused on inclusion, creativity and impact. Three standouts include:

Three men and a woman sit and stand on a stage. An aerial image of Paris and Eiffel Tower is projected onto a large screen in the background.

Brand Stories with Purpose: Kimberly Doebereiner, Group Vice President of Future in Advertising, talked about the making of the upcoming feature documentary, “Rising Phoenix: A New Revolution” that pushes for diverse representation both in front of and behind the camera, with half of the crew identifying as having a disability.

Two black men in business casual attire sit together on a stage as they engage in discussion. Their respective headshots are projected on a large screen behind them.

Tapping Culture For Creativity: Damon Jones, Chief Communications Officer, discussed how brands and brand leaders can most effectively tap into the power of cultural connections to strengthen relationships with target audiences and avoid common missteps.

A group of diverse men and women sit together on a stage, engaged in conversation. Yellow letters that say "tubi" hang above them on a purple backdrop.

Multicultural Marketing: Lela Coffey, Vice President of Multicultural Business Acceleration, talked about how multicultural marketing is mainstream marketing and how it isn’t a catch phrase or a catch all. It’s a business accelerator in helping P&G serve all potential consumers and each unique consumer group.


A collection of images from Tide laundry detergent advertisements is set against a bright orange background. White text says "you're gonna need more." Four lion-shaped trophies are featured across the bottom of the collage.

Each year, only 10% of all entries make the shortlist, and only 3% win an Award. Given the increasingly competitive nature of the awards, being shortlisted is an honor, so it's noteworthy to see our brands and partners well-recognized by being shortlisted for 12 awards and winning four.

Tide and Saatchi & Saatchi won across the board snagging recognitions for You’re Gonna Need More Tide in the Social & Influencer Category, including:

  • Two Gold Lions for Brand Storytelling and Consumer Goods
  • A Silver Lion for Use of Humour
  • A Bronze Lion for Innovative Use of Creators, Influencers or Celebrities

The biggest wins come when we work with partners, and our network of Creative MVPs around the world who are truly best in class. We congratulate all teams and agencies who collaborate to produce creative, award-worthy campaigns and those whose work was recognized at Cannes.

Together we can find creativity in everyday moments where brands matter and where brilliant creative brand ideas make those moments matter more.

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