P&G Innovation Generates Billions of Liters of Clean Water
Since 1993, the United Nations has observed World Water Day to raise awareness of the more than 770 million people who live without access to clean water. When the P&G Children’s Safe Drinking Water (CSDW) Program was established in 2004, nearly 4,000 children were dying each day as a result of illness caused by drinking dirty water. Today, thanks to the efforts of the global water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) community and many technologies, that number is down to 800* each day, but that is still 800 children too many.
World Water Day inspires global collaboration and action to accomplish #6 of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals: to help bring clean water and sanitation to all by 2030. P&G works with NGO partners around the world to distribute the P&G Purifier of Water packets to families and communities that lack access to clean water. Working with more than 150 global partners, we’ve delivered more than 19 billion liters of clean water to people in more than 90 countries—more water than in 7,600 Olympic-sized pools. We’re helping to make clean water a reality for those who need it—and we’re on track to reach our goal of 25 billion liters of clean water by 2025.
Clean water is often taken for granted. But can you imagine what life would be like if clean water was not readily available? Read Leda’s story here.

In the late 1990’s, P&G scientists invented a powdered technology which can turn dirty, potentially deadly water into clean drinkable water in just 30 minutes. Dr. Phil Souter and his team invented the P&G Purifier of Water packets, which use the processes of coagulation and flocculation to separate contaminants in the water and then disinfection to make the water clean and drinkable. Check out the timeline of events that make up the history of the CSDW Program.
Children’s Safe Drinking Water Program Timeline
Today, the P&G Purifier of Water packets are produced in Singapore. P&G’s Singapore Pioneer Plant team works tirelessly to meet the ever-changing demand for the packets and works with our freight and NGO partners to ship the packets where they are needed, often in some of the most remote locations around the world.
To learn more about our commitment to clean water around the world, visit www.csdw.org.
*Source: World Vision