Employee Care Contact Center

If you are a former P&G employee with an HR-related question, call the Employee Care Contact Center in your country for assistance.

Location Employee Care Number
Algeria +213 982402736
Argentina +54 1139845683
Australia 1800931748
Austria +43 720884668
Azerbaijan 442034099444
Bangladesh +880 9610998419
Belarus 70952585808
Belgium +32 28962865
Brazil +55 1131818573
Bulgaria +359 24373719
Canada Toll Free: 833-441-4357
Toll Number: 562-742-4357
Chile +56 442081227
China +86 4008428372
Colombia 0 1800 5194357
Costa Rica +50 640360080
Croatia +385 13445904
Czech Republic +420 296326794
Denmark +45 32726075
Dominican Republic +1 8299535918
Ecuador 5117086113
Egypt +20 1501718081
El Salvador 5117086113
Ethiopia 441442280197
Finland +358 985615231
France +33 185653751
Germany +49 61969239558
Ghana 213 233 242426358
Greece +30 2111983633
Guatemala Primary: 442034099450
Alternate: 9999190 8338195003
Honduras 5117086113
Hong Kong – SAR, Greater China +852 30188697
Hungary +36 12550614
India 0008001007907
Indonesia 0018030164093
Ireland +353 15269780
Israel +972 23760601
Italy +39 0683464394
Japan +81 345107489
Kazakhstan +7 7273122406
Kenya 800721266
Latvia +371 60001510
Lebanon 20225290519
Luxembourg +352 27871092
Malaysia 1800818916
Mexico +52 5588808031
Morocco +212 525072525
Netherlands +31 207941285
New Zealand 0800 330 023
Nicaragua 5117086113
Nigeria +234 12278957
Norway +47 21958324
Pakistan Primary Number: +92 2135201515
Alternative Number: 442034639143
Panama +507 8323284
Peru +51 17086113
Philippines +63 282711520
Poland +48 221603398
Portugal 800819112
Puerto Rico 1-669-231-7044
Romania +40 215891342
Russian Federation +7 4954814357
Saudi Arabia +966 122688600
Serbia 0800190113
Singapore +65 31576290
Slovakia 420296326794
South Africa 800990234
South Korea 00798142031782
Spain +34 910389599
Sweden +46 853520888
Switzerland +41 225440638
Taiwan +886 255940899
Thailand Primary Number: +66 26675155
Alternate Number: 1800012781
Turkey +90 3129001673
Ukraine +380 893240697
United Arab Emirates 8000170777
United Kingdom +44 2039720819
United States

Unites States (Retirees)
Toll Free: 833-441-4357
Toll Number: 562-742-4357

Toll Free: 844-786-6588
(calling from outside the US - 1-669-231-7044)
Venezuela Primary: +58 2129036699
Alternate: 8001362537
Alternate: 16467740626
Vietnam +84 2856784439
All Other Countries - Africa +44 1442280197
All Other Countries - Middle East +966 122688600
All Other Latin American Countries +51 170865113