Human Rights.
Respect for Human Rights is fundamental to the way we manage our business. This includes respecting and promoting the human rights of our employees, our external business partners, and the people in the communities in which we live, serve, and operate.
Our Human Rights Journey
Our Purpose, Values and Principles (PVPs) are the foundation of who we are. While our business has grown and changed, our PVPs have endured. They guide and inform the business decisions we make, operating responsibly, ethically, and with integrity. We believe trust and integrity is built over time, earned every day and provides lasting value for our stakeholders. Our respect for human rights is intrinsic to and flows directly from our PVPs.
External P&G
Our Approach to Respecting Human Rights
Our approach to embedding respect for human rights within our organization and business
operations is grounded in three key foundational activities.
Embedding Respect For Human Rights
Our Human Rights Policy Statement communicates our support for the U.N. Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: Implementing the United Nations ‘Protect, Respect and Remedy’ Framework which respects and honors the principles of internationally recognized human rights including those rights expressed in the International Bill of Human Rights (i.e., Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenants on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and the International Covenants on Civil & Political Rights) and the principles concerning fundamental rights as set out in the International Labor Organization Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
We believe that embedding human rights within our organization starts at the top but is brought to life through the engagement and interactions between all P&G people within our organization and with our business partners across our supply chains.
Our Leaders:
Set expectations, direction and provide oversight.
Our Multi-Functional Teams:
Operationalize our approach and bring it to life effectively everyday by integrating approaches into working practice.
Our People & Partners:
Act with integrity and a commitment to respect human rights every day.

Our Expectations
We set high standards for ourselves and expect every P&G employee to share our commitment to respect human rights. We apply the same expectations to our business partners.
Policy Expectations help us establish a common framework for everyone:
- Our Employees, Suppliers and Business Partners all have a clear, shared understanding of our expectation on Human Rights – their rights and responsibilities.
- They enable us to engage with stakeholders for feedback, incorporate emerging regulatory developments and apply international best practices.
- Where required we develop specific policies for key commodities or programs which take into account the needs of vulnerable groups.
Learn More About Our Expectations

Human Rights Due Diligence
Human rights due diligence consists of the processes that the Company follows to manage actual and potential impacts on individuals’ human rights while engaging stakeholders throughout the process. We work to promote sustainable practices, support value creation, and assess both actual and potential adverse human rights impacts. We strive to implement and improve systems in business relationships across our value chain in order to mitigate the risk.
Our approach comprises the following:
- Assess & Identify: Actual or potential impacts on people, using a risk-based approach.
- Integrate & Act: Take steps to prevent adverse impacts from occurring; mitigate their likelihood and severity; leverage our business relationships to influence; and work to enable effective remedy.
- Track & Monitor: The effectiveness of our business process for assessing and addressing adverse impacts.
- Communicate: Share information with stakeholders on how the Company addresses adverse impacts and risks, including, where appropriate, through public reporting.
- Constructively Engage: With our business partners and stakeholders to understand potential human rights impacts and develop meaningful actions to work to address adverse impacts.

Speaking Up
P&G is committed to creating a work environment internally and with our business partners that fosters open communication and supports individuals in reporting potential violations.
Employees and individuals in our operations or extended value chain can report violations at the Worldwide Business Conduct Helpline, which is staffed by an independent third party - 24 hours a day, seven days a week - and includes, where permitted by local law, an anonymous way to report concerns.
We are committed to reviewing all allegations of wrongdoing with trained teams who ensure thorough, impartial and fact-based investigations. Retaliation for raising concerns in good faith will not be tolerated.
How to Report Concerns
Visit the P&G Worldwide Business Conduct Helpline at www.pg-helpline.com
No Tolerance for Retaliation
Retaliation for raising concerns in good faith will not be tolerated.