Responsible Sourcing at P&G Is embedded throughout our sourcing decisions and supply chain choices. We take an approach which is ethical, environmentally aware and respects human rights. Together this helps us deliver positive impacts for our business, supply chain partners, people and communities.
Taking a Responsible Sourcing
Approach means we:
Apply Good Stewardship and Robust Supply Chain Management so we can create resilient, compliant and agile supply chains
Protect Resources, Landscapes and the Environment through approaches that help reduce unwanted impacts
Demonstrate a Respect for Human Rights, People, Communities and Livelihoods within our supply chain and for the communities in which we live, work and source
By taking these steps we build our business, establish trust and ensure compliance with our environmental and human rights policies and goals.

Responsible Sourcing Expectation for External Business Partners
We hold ourselves and our partners to high standards. More than 20 years ago we issued our first Responsible Sourcing Expectations for External Business Partners. They explain the global standards to be followed in daily business activities on behalf of P&G and create a common framework of understanding.
In addition, we expect compliance with all relevant P&G Corporate, Commodity and Service specific policies and guidelines.
You can learn more about our guidelines for our suppliers by visiting: www.pgsupplier.com
Learn more

Organizing to Deliver
Responsible Sourcing
We believe that embedding a Responsible Sourcing approach within our organisation starts at the top but is brought to life through the engagements and interactions between all P&G people within our organization and with our business partners.
Our Leaders
Our Program and expectations are aligned with P&Gs Responsible Sourcing Lead Team, chaired by our Chief Purchasing Officer.
Our Multi-Functional Teams
Our multi-functional Responsible Sourcing Teams develop systems and processes to ensure an effective and consistent implementation approach. Expertise includes: Purchases, Human Resources, Health, Safety & Environmental, Research & Development, Communications, Finance & Accounting, Government Relations & Legal.
Our People & Partners
At an operational level Responsible Sourcing is brought to life through our company and business unit Purchases Teams and business partners.

Activating our Responsible Sourcing Program
Due Diligence is not a one-time action or a linear process but a continuous plan-do-act-check cycle.
We apply a consistent approach to Due Diligence for all our sourcing and supply chain choices and decisions. This starts with assessing, identifying and prioritizing potential impacts on people and the environment using a risk-based approach.
Where actual or potential risks may occur, our expert teams develop programs or plans to address them either by preventing adverse impacts occurring, mitigating their likelihood or using our leverage to influence and enable effective remedy.
We ensure progress is tracked and monitored so that we can assess effectiveness and address any adverse impacts.
Across the process we communicate and engage openly with our suppliers, external business partners, customers and stakeholders to ensure transparency and develop meaningful action plans.
Monitoring and Assessing
Our Supply Chain Partnership
We continually review our supply chain choices and decisions as well as our external business partners operations as part of on-going due diligence vigilance.

Company Level Assessment: Utilizing EcoVadis
This web-based business sustainability ratings platform provides an assessment of companies and their value chains based on their public policies, commitments and programs.
Site Level: SEDEX-SMETA is P&G’s preferred audit methodology
Audits are used as a tool to identify and address any actual or potential social and environmental sustainability impacts at External Business Partners sites.

Extended Supply Chain: Priority Materials and Services
Our priority materials and services approach helps us identify, prevent and mitigate actual or potential risks by applying a range of tools including:
- Developing material or services specific policies, expectations or guidelines.
- Conducting assessments directly or via third party experts.
- Implementing specific proactive supply chain management strategies.
- Engaging in multi-stakeholder or industry groups focussed on development and implementation of sector wide standards or approaches.

Supply Chain Grievance Approach
We recognize the important role played by a robust grievance approach and need to ensure people are able and confident to SPEAK UP where potential issues occur. We are committed to reviewing all allegations of wrongdoing with trained teams who ensure thorough, impartial, and fact-based investigations. We believe this is essential to promoting a culture of integrity, reducing the likelihood of incidents occurring and driving willingness to proactively raise concerns.
Our Grievance Approach

For full details on our Grievance Investigation Approach
please download it here.
Visit the P&G Worldwide Business Conduct Help Line: www.pg-helpline.com
Retaliation for raising concerns in good faith will not be tolerated.
Partnering for Impact
We recognize that Responsible Sourcing choices start with us but that we are only one small link in a complex chain. Shared challenges and opportunities are often best solved through partnerships – where shared commitments, values and aims become meaningful, scalable business solutions.