Women seated at a conference table, actively participating in a meeting, highlighting professional engagement and dialogue.


P&G’s objective is to deliver balanced top- and bottom-line growth while serving the needs of all stakeholders – consumers, customers, employees, society and shareowners.


We remain focused squarely on consumers—our North Star—and understanding and serving them, an undertaking fully embraced by P&G’s highly committed, creative and determined people. P&G brands are trusted to provide products of the highest quality and superior performance and value for the daily-use cleaning, health and hygiene needs of consumers around the world. We are focused on driving irresistible superiority across each of our categories to help consumers more effectively tackle their jobs to be done. We actively encourage consumers to contact us because we want to hear about their experiences with our products as we continuously seek to meet their needs.


We value our relationships with all of our shareholders. Engagement with shareholders builds mutual understanding and a basis for progress, and the input we receive from them impacts and informs our corporate practices. Senior management, our investor relations team and subject matter experts from the Company maintain a year‐round dialogue with investors to gain their perspectives on current issues and address any questions or concerns, and we make our Directors available for engagement with shareholders when appropriate. We provide information and answer questions through regular earnings calls, our annual shareholder meeting and investor conferences throughout the year. The Company’s top 100 institutional shareholders collectively own more than 50% of the Company’s outstanding shares of common stock, and we generally focus our proactive shareholder outreach efforts on these shareholders. We conduct meetings with institutional shareholders and also routinely respond to individual shareholders and other stakeholders who provide feedback about our business. We launched an ESG Investor Portal on in order to provide more information and address the frequently asked questions covering environmental, social and governance topics.

Authorities: Local, Regional and Global

P&G is focused on delivering superior products at good value while advocating for policies and standards amid changes in governments and complex global regulations. Guided by our PVPs, P&G appropriately engages to ensure that the interests of our employees, consumers and shareholders are fairly represented with governments around the world. We are committed to being transparent about our political involvement globally, and our policies and procedures on appropriate contact with government officials prohibit bribery and any kind of improper influence.

Sustainable tax policy and a transparent approach to tax are also important elements of corporate responsibility. We implement our approach to tax through our Core Tax Principles, which ensure that we pay tax that is consistent with our business activities and the laws of the countries in which we operate. Learn more at

External Business Partners

Our Responsible Sourcing Expectations for External Business Partners establishes the global standards to be followed in daily business activities on behalf of P&G. External business partners, their subcontractors and suppliers are expected to be informed of and share P&G’s commitment to these standards.

Principal Industry and Business Associations

We hold membership in many industry and business associations whose activities are related to the Company’s. These associations provide a forum for us to promote and defend our interests in the broader industry context, while providing a lawful platform for joint research, issue monitoring and advocacy, and sharing of best practices. Participation in business associations is controlled by Company policy to ensure such industry activities have the right governance and oversight.

Other Stakeholders

We engage with a number of other stakeholders including NGOs, scientific and other experts to both develop programs and understand their focus and concerns. With whom and how we engage will vary – dependent on subject matter, type of expertise needed and geographic focus.