There is misinformation circulating in social media about our labor practices.
P&G does NOT use prison labor in our facilities to manufacture our products. Further, P&G forbids the use of child labor, forced labor, compulsory labor, slavery, prison labor, indentured labor, bonded labor or use corporal punishment or other forms of mental and physical coercion as a form of discipline in any of our global operations or facilities.
We also expect our External Business Partners to adhere to our Responsible Sourcing Expectations which state:
- Employment must be voluntarily and freely chosen.
- Business Partners must not use involuntary prison labor, indentured or bonded labor, human trafficking or modern-day slavery.
We encourage our employees, our EBPs and employees of EBPs working on P&G’s business to report violations of the law or Company policies at the Worldwide Business Conduct Helpline. P&G is committed to reviewing all allegations of wrongdoing with trained teams who ensure thorough, impartial and fact-based investigations.
You can read more details about our labor policies and our Responsible Sourcing Guidelines.