Confidence and Trust
We strive to promote a work environment of confidence and trust. Our Worldwide Business Conduct Manual (WBCM) and Employee Rights Policy provide employees with clear guidance on specific situations they may face and direct them where to go when they have questions or concerns. We are a recognized leader in providing a safe, healthy, secure and productive work environment. We are committed to maintaining a workplace that is free of violence, harassment, intimidation or other unsafe or disruptive behaviors or conditions due to threats inside or outside of our facilities. Each employee has a personal responsibility to their fellow employees and to the Company to follow all Company safety and security procedures, as well as applicable laws and regulations.
Our Do the Right Thing Culture
Our “Doing the Right Thing” training series, comprised of three editions linked to the P&G Principles of Respect, Integrity, and Stewardship, enables continuous learning and reinforcement of P&G values for our employees. The series serves as the core training on the WBCM as P&G's code of conduct, covering specific ethics and compliance topics related to the given theme. In addition, we deploy supplemental awareness building training sessions based on organizational needs.

We also have a library of engaging, custom-built training courses, which are available to all employees as a resource and are further assigned based on role and location to maximize relevance and impact. These address conflicts of interest, preventing sexual harassment, stopping retaliation, and opposing bribery, among other compliance and workplace conduct topics.
Every year, we celebrate our shared Purpose, Values and Principles foundation with the “Do the Right Thing Celebration.” Our locations around the world create their own employee engagement events tied to a global theme derived from our WBCM principles of Respect, Integrity and Stewardship. Events feature activities and contests to engage employees and raise awareness, leadership townhall discussions and inspiring videos from employees making a difference.
Learn more about our commitment to delivering a superior employee experience.
Speaking Up
Our employees hold themselves and one another accountable for operating with trust and integrity and for stepping up as leaders and owners of the business. We are committed to creating a work environment that fosters open communication and supports employees in reporting potential violations of Company policies or the law. Employees and individuals in our operations or extended supply chain can report violations at the Worldwide Business Conduct Helpline, which is staffed by an independent third party 24 hours a day, seven days a week and includes, where permitted by local law, an anonymous way to report concerns. We are committed to reviewing all allegations of wrongdoing with trained teams who ensure thorough, impartial and fact-based investigations. Proper investigation is essential to promoting a culture of integrity, reducing the likelihood of incidents occurring and increasing willingness to proactively raise concerns. It is an important part of our commitment to prevent and detect wrongdoing. Retaliation for raising concerns in good faith is inconsistent with our Values of Integrity and Trust and simply will not be tolerated.

Employee Survey
Every year, we survey all employees globally — from plant technicians to our office population — via the P&G Survey. Employee feedback is extremely valuable in assessing what we do well as a Company and where we can improve. We explore and consider various approaches to address this feedback. When we compare our results against our external benchmarking group, we find P&G scoring higher than the average of our peer group on the majority of our benchmarking questions — showing that we remain an Employer of Choice. Every year, employees rate PVPs in the highest scoring category, demonstrating how ingrained our PVPs are in our organization.
Employee and Labor Relations
At P&G, we believe an engaged, inclusive and capable workforce is critical to the Company's success. A key strategy to winning in the marketplace is to create a highly skilled, agile and flexible workforce that delivers our business initiatives. We offer an expansive array of skill-building programs that allow employees to grow their individual skills, leading to better business results and career advancement. These programs help to ensure a strong and highly skilled labor workforce that benefits the Company, as well as the communities in which we operate.
Health and Safety
The health and safety of our employees and our contractor partners is foundational to the Company and directly linked to our core values. Nothing we do is worth getting hurt. Safety is managed. Every injury can and should be prevented. Safety is everyone’s responsibility.
The Company tracks our total injury rate (TIR) and lost workday case rate (LWDC). Our Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) program sets expectations that enable evaluation of each site’s leadership involvement, behavior and culture, equipment design and maintenance standards and training and procedures.
Looking for more safety information – learn more about our product safety standards and ingredients.
Compensation and Benefits
P&G is committed to providing employees with a competitive pay and benefits package, which we call Total Rewards, as benchmarked against industry-leading companies. In line with our principle of recognizing personal impact and mastery, we offer employees the opportunity to develop their skills and capabilities, enabling them to succeed in their careers in alignment with business needs.
We support the holistic wellbeing of employees and strive to meet their personal needs at different life stages. We believe when employees are empowered to bring their best selves to work every day, they are better able to contribute to the success of the company and achieve their personal goals. That is why we are focused on supporting four key wellbeing areas: financial, mental, physical and work-life wellbeing.
Learn more about our commitment to the wellbeing of our people.
Our benefits and wellbeing offerings vary depending on each country's market practices. They typically include comprehensive coverage for health care, competitive pension offerings, access to financial education, mental wellbeing support, vacation and other work-life benefits, all subject to local requirements. P&G is committed to fair pay, transparent compensation principles and an inclusive workplace.
Read more on our Fair Pay Policy.