
P&G’s View on Race

P&G has always been there for our communities in times of need. It’s who we are. And it’s what we do.

At a time when parts of our country, and indeed parts of our world, are more divided than ever before, the need for us to step up in both words and deeds has never been more important.

Inequality in our society is broadly visible. In fact, it has been woven into the fabric of our culture in many ways we don’t even recognize. We can look no further than the COVID-19 pandemic, which while affecting us all, is taking lives and affecting communities with varying degrees of impact.

Black Americans are hardest hit and up to 3-4 times more likely to die from the virus, due to conditions largely created by unequal economic, environmental and health care systems. Hispanic Americans, many of whom work in service industries and roles, have been disproportionately impacted financially. The dramatic increase in hate speech and acts of violence directed at Asian Americans during the pandemic is affecting communities across the country in unspeakable ways. And the additional challenges and burden taken on by women around the world have also become more visible.

So P&G and our brands are stepping up our ongoing efforts to advance equality for all people, and especially, right now, for communities who face racism, bias and brutality.

For years, we have used our voice as a leading advertiser to shine a light on inequality, highlight bias, and spark dialogue that leads to understanding and action. We’ve brought companies together for collective action. And we’ve made equality a priority within our own walls. But that’s not enough. More is needed – sustained, systemic acts of good.

It’s about much more than money. Our leaders are speaking up and speaking out on what we believe. Our employees are becoming even more involved in their local communities. Our brands are creating programs to address systemic inequality and hate. And we’re using our position as a leading corporate citizen to convene others for a bigger, collective impact. And we’re contributing financially to support organizations on the front lines.

Each of our communities, and the challenges they face are unique. So how we support them too is unique. We are guided by our principles and values, with a distinct focus on being helpful, being useful and balancing our focus on the short and long term. But make no mistake – today and every day we stand with those fighting for equality and justice. Join us.

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