
Taking Steps to Stop The Hate

Fellow P&Gers,

By now, you’ve heard about the violence in Atlanta on Tuesday that largely targeted Asian Americans. Sadly, this is not a one-time event. This is but one of many acts of violence, bigotry and hate against the Asian community that have been occurring for far too long—incident after incident after incident. In fact, over the past year, there has been a 149% increase in hate crimes against Asian Americans in the U.S.

We have to ask ourselves where does it stop? When do we as Americans step up and say, “enough is enough—this is not who we are or aspire to be?” The time is now.

I fundamentally believe there is simply no place for this—not here, not anywhere—and P&G is stepping up again to ensure we are doing our part.

First, P&G and our brands are using our voice to express our views and call for action through our “Stop the Hate. Lead with Love” social media posts, which we began at the end of February. We are also advocating for industry engagement through the Alliance for Inclusive and Multicultural Marketing.

Second, we are developing a short film that is intended to deepen understanding about bias and microaggressions against the Asian community. Films like these drive conversations. Conversations are important because they promote understanding, empathy, attitude change, and action.

Third, we are expanding content on PG.com to drive education about the history of the APA Community in America. Asian Americans have been an integral part of the fabric of American culture for more than 150 years, and we need to celebrate the contributions and the richness of the culture and understand how we can support it.

Finally, we are working with several organizations to identify systemic action we can take to help eliminate this scourge of hate, violence, and bigotry.

P&G is taking action, and I invite you to join in—now is the time for each of us to make our voices heard and take tangible steps to stop the hate.

David Taylor signature


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