How Do You See Girls?
We see them advocating, innovating, creating and trailblazing!
Today, the world's 600 million adolescent girls are a powerful force for good, demonstrating their resilience, determination to excel and relentless commitment to moving the world forward despite continued challenges to progress. So, on the 10th anniversary of the International Day of the Girl (IDG), a movement created by the United Nations to increase attention on issues that matter to girls, we’re uplifting the voices and actions of change makers, individuals and organizations alike who are supporting girls in achieving their full potential.
Inspiring Action and Advocacy
Girls are front and center when it comes to innovating creative solutions to societal issues, helping create space for all girls to be seen and heard. Zuriel Oduwole is just such a girl. At 12 years old, Zuriel took part in our iconic Always campaign that changed norms and culture around the world and made “Like A Girl” mean amazing things. Now, she advocates keeping girls in schools and is bringing her passion and experience to humanitarian agency, and P&G partner CARE as part of its Global Advisory Council.

Always Period Heroes Brooke and Breanna Bennett cofounded Women in Training, Inc. a youth empowerment nonprofit fighting for menstrual equity and education. Today, these Always Period Heroes join Period for Change and continue to work to support people who are facing Period Poverty, fight stigma, expand education and influence policy to improve access for sustainable resources.

Zuriel Oduwole, Brooke and Breanna Bennett all recently took to the stage to help #EndPeriodPoverty at the 2022 Global Citizen Festival with leaders, activists and artists at one of the world’s largest events to take action to create a more equal world for women and girls. Learn more here.
Serving and Supporting Girls Around the World
We know that it is in large part through the efforts of inspiring partners like Save the Children and Girl Up who support, teach, and act for and with girls, that we can create the changes needed to enable a more equal world.
Girl Up provides girls and young women leaders with skills, opportunities to make a difference and platforms to expand girls’ rights. Its current vision to reach 1 million leaders by 2030 will change the face of leadership for generations to come.
As part of our #WeSeeEqual initiative, we have been working with one of our longest-standing partners, Save The Children, to transform gender norms among school children and create a world free of gender bias through our joint programming and advocacy efforts over the past 5 years. In Mexico and Indonesia, we’re helping girls and boys learn to demonstrate positive and equitable gender attitudes and helping adolescent girls gain the confidence, strength and skills they need to reach their full potential!

Sparking Conversations and Challenging Bias
We want all girls to see their strength and unlimited potential. That’s why on this International Day of the Girl and every day, we’re continuing to step up through our brands like Always and OLAY to ensure the images we show and the stories we tell tackle gender bias and reflect a world of equal opportunities for all.

Learn more about how we are taking action through our brands, with our partners and in the communities, we serve, to create a more equal world.