
Equality. Justice. Action

Today, P&G and our brands are stepping up our ongoing efforts to advance equality for all people, and especially, right now, for Black Americans who face racism, bias and brutality.

For years, we have used our voice as a leading advertiser to shine a light on inequality, highlight bias, and spark dialogue that leads to understanding and action. We’ve brought companies together for collective action. And we’ve made equality a priority within our own walls. But that’s not enough. More is needed. Now.

Together with our brands, we are doubling down on these efforts and establishing a fund with an initial contribution of $5 million to accelerate and expand this work alongside organizations that fight for justice, advance economic opportunity, enable greater access to education and health care and make our communities more equitable.

The P&G “Take On Race” Fund will support larger, established organizations in North America like the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund, YWCA Stand Against Racism and the United Negro College Fund. It will also include smaller organizations that mobilize and advocate, such as Courageous Conversation, and groups that hold our elected officials more accountable. More groups will be added in the coming days. These are all new and increased commitments that recognize this moment of urgency in our society.

We look forward to doing more in the weeks, months and years ahead – as part of our longstanding commitment to equality and inclusion for all people here in the U.S. and around the world.

But it’s about much more than money. Our leaders are speaking up and speaking out on what we believe. Our employees are becoming even more involved in their local communities. Our brands are creating programs that advance people of color in science and technology, among many areas. And we’re using our position as a leading corporate citizen to convene others for a bigger, collective impact.

In the coming weeks, this page will grow into a place where people can find resources for education, dialogue and action. We know many people want to do something, and we’re providing a place where they can start.

We will continue to use our voice to shine a light on bias, inequality and racism. We are re-releasing our award-winning films THE TALK and THE LOOK, and airing them more broadly to inspire important conversations to drive understanding, empathy, and change. We will also re-release a newer film, CIRCUMSTANCES, which speaks to the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on Black communities.

We are bringing forward programs to create further dialogue, understanding and action: TIME 100 Talks on Thursdays in June; The Queen Collective films focused on social issues that inspire positive change on June 13; The BET Awards on BET and CBS/Viacom on June 28.

At P&G, we know that an equal world is a better world – for everyone. We know that our success is grounded in the success of our employees, consumers and communities. All of them.

Today and every day we stand with those fighting for equality and justice. Join us.


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